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This is a great idea, however, there is really no point in handing out toothbrushes if parents don't understand that oral care needs to start from the first tooth if not before. I have read so many comments in parenting groups of people thinking the health of the baby teeth don't matter- they are just a dry run for the adult teeth and that younger children don't need to brush twice a day as we do or not for very long and so on. The health of the baby teeth DOES have an effect things to wear if the bride mother have empire waist ... on the health of the adult teeth.

My book has a section on oral care which outlines that the gums can be brushed even before teeth erupt, that there are products on the market to help with this (MAM baby do a handy rabbit glove for cleaning gums) and that they are never too young to go to a dentist.
Dental care isn't spoken about enough and maybe it now needs to be included in antenatal classes, baby groups or by the health visitor? It's great that they want to start talking about it in schools but this is after five when this article reports that damage has already been done.

Did you know what oral care you had to provide when you had your baby?

(You can check out my book by hitting the shop now button)

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Free toothbrushes for all toddlers, doctors demand The Government should provide free toothbrushes to every child aged five and under in a bid to grapple a dental “crisis” among toddlers, doctors have