1. Fruity Breath : Diabetes
(One of the complications of diabetes is known as diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). It happens when the body runs low on insulin, causing blood sugar to spike. If you notice a fruity odor on your breath, along with fatigue, dry mouth, difficulty breathing or abdominal pain, head to emergency ASAP.)
2. Stinky Breath (rotten egg smell): Sleep Apnea
(If you brush and floss regularly at night before going to bed; yet you still wake up with rank breath, you could be dealing with sleep apnea. If you've got sour breath, daytime sleepiness and snoring - and you've ruled out all other causes of bad breath. sleep apnea is linked with diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.) sleeved maid of honor wears that is modest and conservative
3. Super Smelly Poop: Lactose Intolerance
(Fermented lactose results in loose, foul-smelling stool, bloating and stinky toots)
4. Putrid Pee: Urinary Tract Infection
(UTIs are more common in women because our urethras are shorter. A buildup of bacteria - typically E.coli - enters the urinary tract and urethra, then multiplies in the bladder, which causes the infection.)
5.Smelly Feet: Athlete's Foot
(Do your shoes always smell bad? Is the skin on around your toes dry and scaly with redness and blisters? The odor you've noticed is caused by a combination of fungus and bacteria that erodes the webs of skin between your toes. )