"This is for all of you who believe that accumulation of riches and material stuff comes before your "earned" happiness and freedom to go where you please and do what you want. And to all those who want to "wait until retirement to go travel and see the world". Don't. Don't wait. Put yourself and your joy before all of those meaningless things and go where your heart truly calls you. And unless this is what you really desire, put your freedom before systems slavery.
I have been living outside the system and been a permanent traveler now for close to 13 years of my life. So I can tell you from my own personal direct experience, that being a free wheeler is not only possible, it is also by far THE best decision I ever made in my life for my own Self. I have always been a freedom Lover. And being a nomad was instilled in me from a young age.
I remember watching Jaques Cousteau documentaries and looking at beautiful picture books of faraway lands and places from when I was 5 years old with longing in my little heart. Even at that age I already was a seasoned tourist though not yet a traveler. Much later and many holidays on, I always felt that my time away was never enough. In early 2007, I finally threw in the towel of conventional human life and took a great big leap of Faith. I became a permanent traveler.
Nothing has been the same since. In my already long experience packed life, I have so far visited and lived in more than 40 countries around the world and I have been all around the globe several times by now. There is simply nothing like travel to help one truly understand how very much alike and inherently good and sweet humanity truly is everywhere!
To be sure, there are rotten eggs in all lands too. But their percentage is minute in comparison with all the truly wonderful, deeply caring, sweet, Loving people I've met and connected with all over. Most people want the same things. Love, a safe home, food, clothing, a happy healthy family and enough money to get by comfortably and pursue their creative dreams and interests.
No matter the culture, color, religion, language, humor or social class. They all want the same. We are not that different. And we don't really know that until we go out there to see for ourselves. TV doesn't tell you the truth most of the time. Because its purpose is to package certain social engineering angles around advertising to get you to spend your hard earned cash on stuff other than you finding out for yourself.
For myself, I found my true happy place in Perú. Back in 2012, when I went there for the closing and opening of the old and the new cycle of this Earth on December 21. To me, the quality of life there is sooo much better than anywhere in the Western world I've been. And I have found the same to be true in other so called 3rd world nations. Perú simply being my favorite among them and my home location for my soul to live in peace on this Earth.
Now being back in the West, here in Australia this time, after having been away from any Western nation for a good couple of years again, has brought this simple truth back home to me in full force once more. This has got to be one of the most expensive lands on Earth to live. Many dream of coming to live here.
And to be sure there is great beauty to the land, the beaches, the wild nature and animals and most especially and preciously to me, the ancient tribal culture and medicines of the Aborigines, who date their arrival here to before the Dreamtime began, to at least 175,000 years ago! Their wisdom keepers still fully 5th dimensional in practice and skills.
But the Western way of life here is overall brutal, harsh, alcohol infused, in parts extremely racist and rude and disconnected from others to the max. Everywhere I look I see depressed, withdrawn, lonely, inwardly crying, unhappy, often sweet and caring people, who wear a smile and a good sense of humor as a shield to hide their great pain and emptiness beneath.
The bills here are through the roof. Quarterly, $300 for water rates, close to $600 for land rates, monthly $150-200 for electricity, approx $200 for telephone & wifi, $100-150 for even the most basic grocery shopping, $4 for one avocado when they are not on a $2 "special", only" $4,000 for one dental implant with crown, $800-900 for a root canal, $20-30 for any basic restaurant meal per person.
Let's not even get started on health insurance, rents, car insurance, warrant costs and a gazillion other costs for basically being permitted to live and breathe on this Earth at all! Most working family people here have credit card debts between $20-80K! Because if people also have kids who need daycare, doctor's visits, school fees, hobbies and the family needs one or two cars or an occasional holiday, how on Earth can people even live or exist like this, without getting fully stressed, depressed, aggressive and anxious all the time?!
Of course this isn't just the case in Australia, but in every Western nation I have ever lived in. And there are many. Infinite economic growth is completely unsustainable. Something has to give. And the systems controllers want that something to be people's minds rather than their corporate shareholders' bloated bank accounts.
Everyone is popping pills and harder stuff all the time just to stay "sane" (aka an obedient, productive hamster). How people have any chance to relax, enjoy their lives, connect, dream, be happy and thrive in such a horrendous, fascist type governmentally controlled environment on a permanent basis and call this prison culture "normal everyday human life" is a total mystery and simply beyond me!
Having lived in cubicle land and other such restrictive rat race work environs, including even the creative sector for many years, today I wouldn't last longer than a month in any such gray, ravenous quicksand work places before needing to run again, just to remain free and not get sucked into "becoming part of the furniture" in a "permanent, secure job with perks" (aka permanent sweet & sour honey traps).
After having lived and truly thrived in places like Perú for so long, going back to such a hamster wheel culture and highly pressured, stressful, materialistic lifestyle, would simply be impossible for me! I'd rather live in a small hut in the woods somewhere and catch my own fish to survive and live happy and in full balance with challenging but healthy nature, than to ever go through such an artificial nightmare existence ever again!!
Most people in the West will never know what they are missing. Because they listen too much to their worried family and friends and also because they don't know anything else and simply don't travel enough to get to know anything else. A holiday is not really travel. It's tourism. Most Westerners are too stressed out to unstress fully in 2-3 weeks of high pressured sight seeing, that usually leaves them more stressed out than before they ever went on holiday. Most would never even dream of going away for at least 3 months to fully sink into another culture or lifestyle. long maxi wears which look beautiful
Only 36% of all USAmericans even have a passport! So they couldn't even escape the rat race if they wanted to. It truly is the West, the so called 1st world who is completely emotionally and spiritually impoverished at present. This is a great tragedy. And it is important that we start talking about it. Together, as human family of Earth.
There are reasons for the astronomical teenage and adult suicide rates, for so much domestic abuse, ever rising divorce rates and homelessness, for the horrendous levels of depression and self medications of all kinds, killing so many in a slower kind of suicide with alcohol, hard drugs, toxic medications, cigarettes, pop and unhealthy, processed foods.
Being diagnosed "bi polar" has become the new "trend word" for all sensitive, deeply intuitive, beautiful, sweet souls stuck in this nightmarish daily reality, who cannot easily cope with this insanity in the outer world anymore. So they simply split in two or more pieces within, get medicated to stay "balanced" and "functioning" (aka productive) members of society and zone out.
To me personally it is native Peruvians and other such heart based, family oriented peoples and cultures of this good Earth who are the truly wealthy. Because they already have all that actually matters. It makes me so sad to see so many of my fellow Westerners stuck in the capitalist system model, suffering so much and never even imagining an end to it, or that other ways to live and truly thrive are even possible and preferable to all this accumulation of absolutely useless material stuff, that will never fill the great big gaping void inside.
I am so deeply blessed and so are all those who went and continue to go out into the big wide world to find and create happiness, freedom, their own time and genuine purpose for themselves. We are the lucky ones. I never forget this and I never stop being eternally grateful for it! Maybe you reading this today, feel called to join us too in becoming a traveler.
It's not as hard as it seems. Simply declutter your life. Sell and donate all the stuff you no longer need. Train in your dream work/vocation that you can take on the road with you. All types of freelance online work is good. Get rid of your debts, either while you are still at home or while you travel. Get good hiking gear. Then go where you are called. Find and make your bliss and live in joy.
Remember: Love starts with you Loving you enough to give you what makes your heart sing. Don't wait. Just take a leap of Faith and do it.
So it is. Love is stronger! ❤️ "
Kintarian Amaru