Tarot lesson. Knight of cups.
Knights: Extremists, very focused ( like a knight on a quest ) ;can be unbalanced or fanatical; may represent a fast moving situation. Usually a young man.
Cups: Water. Emotions, relationships, creativity.
Wow! It's been a while since I've posted a lesson and I do apologies for that. The wedding and honeymoon period were wonderful but it's time to get back to work. I've missed writing these lessons! So let's get back to them shall we?
Let's get our knight of wands out and give it a good look over and feel it out. Remember to look at details. What do the colors say to you? What do the suits themselves mean? When you think of a knight what does it make you feel or think of? In each reading you do different things will jump out at you. Trust those instincts and feeling. Listen to what jumps at you. Tell your querrent that as well. Not everything you or your book says will ring true to the ones that you read for. It's the words that grab them that are meant for them. The longer more you read for others the better you'll get. Remember what we were doing in our lessons before my break and try putting this card in a few different positions to help you see how the cards can change in meaning with position.
Looking at the cards below. My card from the gilded tarot is on the left. Here we see a confident knight raising his cup in a victorious type of salute. Cups being of emotions, I'd say he feels like celebrating. He's having a good time living life. He's very passionate shown by the red he wears. The gold makes me think he's the type that likes the good life. The finer things. But he's not adverse to a good battle. The Bush in the background tell me that in this person's life, it's a time of change. They have already been through change because the colors are changing at present pount. A lot more change is to come though because it's not done changing colors. Of course, this being a young man, he would be going through change and facing many more changes. This is the biggest time in life for change. Finding yourself, where you want to be, and who you want to be with. The shy shows the changes as well in its own changing colors. These changing colors also represent all of the changes in emotions this person may experience. This man may have big mood swings or just does everything in a dramatic fashion. The mouse below watches, half scared of the giant in front of him, half curious what all the commotion is about. What might he represent in this card? Perhaps it's his friends or family watching as he begins to take on the world, finding jobs, girlfriends, places to live? Or does he represent his subconscious? The thing inside of him that keeps him from going too far? This would be something I would try to feel out with the person that I'm reading for. casual items for the mother of the bride to wear in the summer
Moving to the next card on the right, this card stuck out to me. I didn't give much of a look at it. He drew me in. He looks beautiful like an angel, but as fierce as any knight could be. The blues and the water show me how strong his emotions can be. Don't anger this man, fir his emotions will become as the raging waters behind him. The horse he rides on even stands in the waters of emotion. This person is deep in his feelings. Is this a good thing? Or a bad thing? Is this man feeling very passionate about a woman? Or has something made him raging mad? The calming blues tell me he's not the raging red that would make me think he's been angered. His facial expression speaks anger to me, but makes me feel like it's a mask. He has a big heart. His wings tell me he likes to be more the savior type swooping in to save the day. But you wouldn't want to be on the enemies side of this person.
My book reads as follows:
Description :
A high spirited knight and his horse prance around in the twilight. He holds his goblet up high. This knight is clearly ready for celebrating or wooing a fair maiden rather than fighting. Governed by the suit of cups, this knight is dreamy and romantic. Appearances and ambiance mean as much to him as skill and bravery. He can weird a poetic phrase as well as his sword.
Right side up / facing you :
You are feeling very romantic. You are more interested in candles, decadent dinners, and lofty declarations of live than usual. Celebrating the beautiful and sensual experiences of life is just as necessary as any other experience. Enjoy.
Reversed / Upside-down :
Be aware of daydreaming when you shouldn't. Don't let romantic ideals take you away from your path. It's one thing to celebrate as dream come true feeling in your life. It's another to chase after dreams that can never be.
As a recap, remember that each reading will be different from the last. It really helps to practice as much as possible. Cards change with position. And listen to your instincts and intuitive side. Let it pull and guide you. Your cards are an energy all their own. Just the other day I flipped the cards different than I normally would. Instead of fixing it I listened. It was meant to be flipped that way. So listen to your cards as well.
Feel free to leave your card and your interpretation and or books meaning to help others learn as well. I enjoy seeing your cards and the way you interpret. It's helpful to us all.
Even the more advanced readers still learn from their cards. I'm a 20 year reader and they still teach me.
Thank you all for reading these lessons. I'm so sorry there was such a long break. I promised we'd get through these and I meant it.
I claim no rights to the photos below.