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Ovary problem

Cause of Ovarian Pain: Ovarian Cysts

Cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can form in the ovaries. They are very common in women, especially during the childbearing years, often they form during the process of ovulation. It can happen when the egg is not released or when the sac follicle holding the egg doesn't dissolve after the egg is released. UcenterDress latest 2019 prom party wears in tea length ...
ovarian cysts usually cause no symptoms. They can, though, create a dull ache or a sharp pain if one twists or ruptures.

Symptoms of ovarian cysts and tumors include:

_Pain or bloating in the abdomen.
_Difficulty urinating, or frequent need to urinate.
_Dull ache in the lower back.
_Pain during sexual intercourse or bowel movements.
_painful menstruation and abnormal bleeding,
_Weight gain.
_Nausea or vomiting.
_Loss of appetite, feeling full after eating a small amount

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